We offer our patients a top-notch service experience and treatment by our qualified international doctors in Istanbul, Turkey.

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What is Liposuction surgery in Turkey?

When endless diets and workouts fail to burn your unwanted fat, but you burn yourself? Liposuction is a great way to get rid of stubborn fat. You don’t have to worry anymore, GAGA Clinic is here to help you with liposuction in Turkey.

Also known as liposuction or fat removal, liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes unwanted body fat from different parts of the body. Liposuction is performed on areas of the body such as buttocks, arms, waist, chin, thighs, and tummy where fat is stored. By liposuction, fat deposits can be permanently removed and the desired body shape can be achieved.

Body weight gain leads to an increase in fat cells, medically known as adipose tissue. Under the skin, fat cells expand in size and volume. This type of fat is referred to as subcutaneous fat (the fat tissue that forms under the skin). The accumulation of fat tissues becomes permanent over time. Even with gym training, such fat tissues cannot be removed.

Liposuction is the most effective way to eliminate stubborn fat. Liposuction permanently removes fat tissues. Fat collection does not occur as long as the patient maintains a stable weight. Body reshaping can also be achieved through fat removal. Once the fat tissue has been removed, the surgeon can easily mold the skin. After liposuction, the patient may appear more muscular, thinner, or athletic.

Liposuction is used to reshape and contour the body. It is not the right method for treating obesity or for helping people lose weight. In general, people with a Body Mass Index (BMI) over 39 should undergo weight loss surgery, also known as bariatric surgery, rather than liposuction.

How Liposuction Performed at GAGA Clinic in Turkey?

The fat tissues are removed by liposuction from the area between the skin and the muscle. The aim of the operation is to remove the fat tissues. The fat tissues are extracted with a special liposuction cannula that is blunt and has holes on its end. The cannula is attached to a suction device.

In order to remove fat, the cannula must touch the fat tissues. To perform liposuction, the surgeon creates openings with incisions on the treatment area. Incisions are small and inconspicuous. One or more incisions may be needed depending on the size of the treatment area.

Once the incisions are made, the cannula is inserted through the openings and the surgeon reaches the fat tissue. The surgeon removes fat tissue via holes on the cannula’s end into a container by moving the cannula beneath the skin.

Most liposuction operations last between one and four hours, depending on the size of the treatment area. A liposuction operation can be performed under local anesthesia, intravenous sedation, or general anesthesia depending on the size of the treatment area, the excess of fat, and the specific circumstances of the patient.

Methods Of Liposuction at GAGA Clinic in Turkey


VASER Liposuction, also known as Vaser Liposelection, Ultrasound Liposuction or VASER Hi Def Liposuction, uses the most advanced ultrasound technology to remove the unwanted fat. With the help of ultrasonic waves, the fat deposits can be easily broken down.

VASER Liposuction is available to both men and women. The best choice for men who want six-pack abs and for women who want to shape their bodies by removing stubborn fat tissues is liposuction.

By using VASER Liposuction device attached to the liposuction cannula, ultrasound-assisted liposuction reduces the chance of skin trauma. Ultrasonic waves shatter the walls of fat cells, making it easier to extract fat tissues


With laser lipo, laser-assisted liposuction, or SmartLipo, fat cells are broken down with a laser before they are extracted using a liposuction cannula. The advantage of laser liposuction does not only reduce fat cells but also to tighten the skin.

Laser liposuction is used to support the traditional liposuction device during the procedure. The device has its own fiber-optic rod and is applied to the skin. Radiating a high intensity laser, the rod produces heat. The heat melts the walls of fat cells, causing the fat tissues to dissolve. The melted fat tissues are then removed using a traditional liposuction cannula.

Plastic surgeons generally prefer laser liposuction to traditional liposuction for tightening loose skin on the face, neck and jowls. Additionally, it is very effective in thinning the waistline.

Which areas of The Body Liposuction Can Be Performed?


How much Fat Can Be Taken Out By Liposuction at GAGA Clinic in Turkey?

Various factors determine the answer. The potential fat removal varies in each unique case. You need to consult your surgeon for your situation to learn about potential fat removal. But please keep in mind that liposuction is not a weight loss surgery. It is for body contouring and reshaping.

Around 5 liters of fat can be collected safely. Each patient’s own situation determines the amount of fat to be suctioned by liposuction. The number may be higher or lower. GAGA Clinic contracted plastic surgeon may be able to perform mega liposuction for some patients and collect fat over 5 liters, depending on the patient’s health situation.

Women and men of all ages struggle with unwanted body fat around the world. In an effort to lose unwanted body fat, people spend time, money, and effort on various diets and sports. However, no matter how much exercise or diet is done, there can still be some parts of the body left with stubborn body fat. Thanks to liposuction, stubborn body fat is no longer insurmountable thanks to its best and fastest solution.

You are a good candidate for liposuction in Turkey:

  • If you are not overweight or more than 30% of your ideal body weight,
  • If you want to get rid of your stubborn fat,
  • If you want a thinner waist,
  • If you want to tone up your muscles and have an athletic look,
  • If you are not happy with the dense volume on your neck, arms or legs
  • If you need gynecomastia

In Turkey, liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries. Liposuction cost in Turkey is lower than liposuction cost in other countries. Those wishing to have liposuction abroad prefer Turkey because of its affordable cost, state-of-the-art technology, and highly skilled plastic surgeons. GAGA Clinic is chosen by a large number of clients from around the world who are seeking liposuction surgery with a high level of quality and low cost.

Frequently Asked Questions

After liposuction surgery, you need to do physical activities regularly not to lose the form of your body.

GAGA Clinic liposuction surgeons in Turkey use state-of-the-art techniques in liposuction surgery which offer patients less invasion, fewer bruises and quick recovery time compared to other traditional techniques for liposuction.

Thanks to new techniques that GAGA Clinic uses, you will only have minor incision lines which will completely fade away over time. You will have no visible scars after lipo.

Liposuction does not remove cellulite although it can have some effect on small cellulite zones.

No, there is not. You can have lipo on any part of your body. The amount of the area treated only affects the length of the treatment, the type of anesthetic to be used and the stay in the hospital.

Benefits Of Liposuction In Turkey By GAGA Clinic

GAGA Clinic experienced and talented contracted plastic surgeons perform liposuction surgery using the latest technology techniques such as Laser Liposuction, Vaser Liposuction, and Traditional Liposuction.

We at GAGA Clinic strive to provide you with the best liposuction at an affordable price. Our contracted plastic surgeons will evaluate your case, learn your expectations, and propose the best liposuction technique.

After Liposuction in Turkey with GAGA Clinic, you will have:
  • The desired body shape
  • An easy and long-lasting solution to unwanted fat.
  • Liposuction treatment at luxury and internationally certified hospitals.
  • Liposuction treatment provided by GAGA Clinic contracted plastic surgeons.



Abdi İpekçi Cd. No:23 Kat:1 Nişantaşı, Istanbul, Turkey.

Contact: +971 58 984 0000


Opening hours:
Saturday – Thursday