We offer our patients a top-notch service experience and treatment by our qualified international doctors in Istanbul, Turkey.

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We are one of the best hair transplant clinics in Turkey, and at GAGA Clinic Hair Transplant Center in Istanbul, we use the latest methods and techniques available in this field. FUE hair transplantation is currently one of the most popular methods of hair transplantation.

The skills of its doctors and the use of the most advanced technology of hair transplantation in the world have allowed Turkey to become one of the top countries for FUE hair transplants. Additionally, the cost of a hair transplant in Turkey is quite low, compared to the quality of the services and the price of a hair transplant in other countries.

What is the FUE technique?

The FUE technique involves removing hair follicles from resistant areas of hair growth and transferring them into areas of baldness and light hair via special tools, leaving no lines or scarring behind. In the old methods used before, where hair transplantation involves removal of a part of the scalp followed by bandages and surgical threads, it was usual to leave painful scars.

As a result, FUE is considered painless, with healing taking place within 7-8 days following the procedure.

Consultation and preparation for surgery

In the field of FUE hair transplantation, GAGA Clinic has many experts and specialists. You can consult our team for medical advice at any time, 24/7. All you need to do is send us pictures of your condition online. Our medical team will evaluate the situation, determining whether drug treatment is feasible or if hair transplantation is necessary.

We will meet you at the Istanbul airport and take you to your hotel if you decide to undergo a micro FUE hair transplant at our clinic in Turkey. In the pre-operative interview, we will evaluate your situation closely and learn more about your medical history.

A day before the operation, blood tests are performed. The procedure is explained in detail to the patient, who is informed about the process before the surgery starts. Prior to the procedure, the patient’s hair is shaved and their clothes are changed for sterile ones.

The hair transplantation procedure

In Turkey, FUE hair transplants are performed in the following stages:

Graft extraction

In this stage, the follicles are extracted from the backside of the head (called the donor area). A benefit of this area is that it is not affected by the hormone responsible for hair loss on the rest of the head. Let’s take a look at some technical considerations when using FUE.

Anesthesia is used in the posterior region of the head, which is the hair bank, before the excision stage begins. The procedure lasts for 5 minutes and there is only slight discomfort as a result of the use of needles. FUE is performed using an extractor that creates micro-holes (0.7-0.8 mm), which is the main advantage since it produces very small and invisible holes. They quickly heal the next day without causing any lasting effects.


A patient is lying on top of a special bed for the procedure but does not feel any pain. Depending on the number of grafts to be picked up, this step takes 2 – 2.5 hours. The area is sterilized and covered after the extraction.

It is proportional to the intensity of the donor area (hair bank) how many follicles can be obtained. The more plentiful the donor area, the more follicles can be extracted. After we have obtained the hair follicles required for the transplantation process, it is determined whether they are single, double, or triple. They are then placed in a nutrient solution until they are implanted.

Initial hairline drawing

A hair transplant’s most important step is determining the hair line. When you raise your eyebrows, you can see a natural line of hair that begins right after the last muscle layer in the forehead. You ask the patient to raise his forehead so that his natural line can be seen.

In order to achieve a natural look, consider that the front line formed by the muscle layers in the forehead tends to gradually rise up with age. In order to satisfy our patients’ wish for natural and healthy hair, our medical staff knows this and will pursue the best results.


In order to provide a natural appearance and restore the hair density of the target areas, the areas where the hair will be abundant are selected after the front line is drawn. Upon completing all the steps, the patient consents to the surgery and receives local anesthesia in the area, which takes no more than two to five minutes. It is important to note that the patient will never feel pain.

Opening up the channels


This stage takes between 40-90 minutes, during which the patient is lying on his back in order to open the microscopic channels. Both the Perkutan method and the Microfibromatology method can be used to open the channels.

The choice will depend on the condition of the baldness, as well as the size and length of the grafts. To achieve the best possible results, our GAGA Clinicl staff will use the most appropriate method to open the micro-channels. Sometimes both methods are combined to provide the best results for the patient.

What is the advantage of the Perkutan method?

By using a microneedle made of titanium, channels can be opened in the receiving area which will include hair follicles, along with controlling the depth and direction of the follicles in order to achieve a more natural look for the grafts.

GAGA Clinic always strives to use the latest technology and equipment available to achieve the best results for our patients.

Opening the channels: things to consider

During the opening of the microscopic channels, there are two important factors to consider: the angle of the front line of the hair and the bend angle of the follicle. A defect in one of these angles will produce an unnatural appearance. At this stage, experience becomes more important than ever.

GAGA GAGA Clinic’s skilled medical staff always opens the micro-channels considering the direction of growth of your hair so you can achieve the best and most natural results. Therefore, the channels are opened from left to right and inclined to match the normal growth of your hair.

Following the identification of the angle and the opening of the first channel in the left section of the baldness area, the channels are opened following the hair line. When the channels are not opened by experts, the results would not be natural, and the hair would grow in different directions, making it clear that a -bad- hair transplant has been performed. Nobody wants that.

Does the patient feel pain?

At this stage, the patient does not feel any pain. During all these steps and stages of surgery, you can relax, listen to music, read a book or watch a movie.

Transplanting the grafts

In the FUE technique, this is the last step in the hair transplant process. It takes place while the patient is lying on his back. Depending on the number of follicles to be implanted, this stage usually takes between 2 and 3.5 hours. Our team’s expertise is vital to achieving the best result in the shortest amount of time.

It is not recommended to implant bulbs with more than three hairs in the front line, as it would give the patient an abnormal appearance and make it evident that a hair transplant has been performed. Upon finishing the front line, the double and triple follicles are placed in the upper and posterior regions of the head to give a higher density in these areas.


After implanting all the follicles, a thorough examination and inspection of the entire area are carried out from the front line to the back: this process takes only about 15 minutes, after which the head is washed and cleaned with sterile water to remove the effects of the operation, and the donor area in the back is covered with a sterile gauze while the implanted area will remain without any coverage so that the hair implants are not affected.

Following the hair transplant, some vital signs of the patients are checked, such as blood pressure. If everything is okay, the patient can then return to the hotel and rest.

Hair transplantation's objectives

How will the first transplant session be conducted?
During the first hair transplant, many important goals must be achieved, including:


During the first hair transplantation procedure, each scalp area that needs cover must be implanted so that hair restoration can begin as soon as possible. Hair transplantations should never be done in more than one session, as additional sessions may be necessary in the future to add density or to prepare for future hair loss. Therefore, everything can be accomplished during a single hair transplant procedure.

Additional hair transplant sessions

The full effects of a hair transplant usually take 10 to 12 months to appear. The decision to carry out a second hair transplant should be made only after the growth of the hair resulting from the first procedure has been completed. After the hair reaches the appropriate length, the patient and doctor can evaluate the overall situation and decide whether more grafts need to be placed.

We at GAGA Clinic use the latest technology to achieve the best results for our patients. If you are looking for a FUE hair transplant in Turkey, our Istanbul clinic and medical staff are your best option if you want the best results at the best price.


Abdi İpekçi Cd. No:23 Kat:1 Nişantaşı, Istanbul, Turkey.

Contact: +971 58 984 0000

Email: Info@gagaclinicturkey.com

Opening hours:
Saturday – Thursday