Breast Lift in Turkey​

We offer our patients a top-notch service experience and treatment by our qualified international doctors in Istanbul, Turkey.

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Breast Lift in Turkey

Women’s confidence can be affected by sagging or asymmetrical breasts. Therefore, we support you in having an affordable cost breast uplift surgery performed by qualified doctors at GAGA Clinic in Istanbul, Turkey.

Around 800 thousand women worldwide undergo breast lift surgery every year to reshape their breasts. A breast uplift is one of the most popular types of plastic surgery carried out across the globe to treat sagging breasts. Are you interested?

What is Breast Lift at GAGA Clinic in Turkey?

Various surgical procedures are used to lift and reshape sagging breasts. Breast lift surgery can also be called mastopexy or breast augmentation. Mastopexy involves the removal of the skin and the tissue in the lower part of the breast with repositioning the nipples.

Breast firmness is genetically determined. There are other factors affecting the firmness of breasts and causing them to sag, such as childbirth, breastfeeding, significant weight loss, aging, and gravity. Saggy breasts are caused by the relaxation of ligaments holding them in place.

In general, sagging breasts are associated with aging, and are considered a negative appearance that affects women’s self-esteem. Leaving sagging breasts untreated can cause emotional stress and depression. A Breast Uplift (Mastopexy) gives women a chance to regain firmness in their breasts, look younger, and feel better.

How is Breast Lift Performed in Turkey?

A breast uplift usually involves incisions on the breasts followed by the removal of excess fat and tightening of the surrounding tissue to reshape and lift the breasts. Breast uplift surgery can also be performed in combination with breast enlargement surgery.

Breast Lift Surgery can be divided into three steps:

1- Incision

The incision method is a very important step in breast lift surgery. Among the most common incision techniques are:

Donut: The incision is made around the areola

Anchor: The incision is made around the areola, vertically from the breast crease and horizontally from the breast crease

Lollipop: The incision is made around the areola and vertically from the areola to the breast crease

Based on the size, shape, and elasticity of your breasts, as well as the degree of your breast sagging, your surgeon will determine the most appropriate and best incision methods for your breast lift.

breast lift surgery - gaga clinic - turkey

Lifting and Reshaping

The underlying breast tissue will be lifted and reshaped, and excess skin from under your breasts or from your areola will be removed to improve firmness. Your nipples or areola will be reshaped to match the new shape of your breasts.

Closing up The Incisions

Incisions are closed with skin adhesives or surgical tape. Incision lines are permanent, but they usually fade or disappear in time.

If you want to enlarge your breasts as well, you may have a combined surgery of Breast Uplift and Breast Implants.

Who is the right candidate for Breast Lift in Turkey?

Women with sagging breasts often complain about:

You are the right candidate for breast lift surgery if you want to:

Breast Lift Cost in Turkey

Breast augmentation costs approximately USD7,000 to USD10,000 in the United Kingdom (UK) and Europe. This is only for the treatment and the implant to be used. When the consultation and aftercare costs are included, the prices go up about USD800 – USD1400 more. In Turkey, you can have the same quality treatment for half of the price than the UK and Europe.

The price difference between Turkey and Europe for breast enlargement is due to the difference in labour costs and operation fees. In Turkey, plastic surgeons are able to perform much more boob surgery than their colleagues due to the low prices. Therefore, they gain more experience and come up with the best results for their job.

Frequently Asked Questions

The purpose of the boob lift surgery is to regain the firmness of the breasts by reshaping them. After the breast uplift surgery, your breasts will have enhanced firmness and shape. After the breast lift surgery, you can freely wear your tops without a bra and enjoy your youthful look.

The breast lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia which means that you will be asleep during the surgery and will not feel any pain. You may have minor and temporary pain 1-2 days after mastopexy.

Yes. Thanks to highly talented GAGA Clinic cosmetic surgeons, you will have natural looking results.

The aim of a breast uplift operation is to firm and tighten the sagging breasts while the aim of a breast enlargement operation is to increase the size of the breasts. However, breast uplift surgery can also be performed in combination with breast enlargement surgery if a patient desires to have both bigger and firm breasts.

Yes. The recent medical research shows that silicone implants are safe and does not alter the normal/natural functioning of the body.

GAGA Clinic doctors use Mentor and Motiva implants in breast enlargement procedures.

The average time for implant replacement is 10 – 20 years for most of the patients. You cannot keep your implants forever, but breast implants used by GAGA Clinic are produced for long periods of time durability.

Yes. The results of breast uplift are usually permanent. However significant weight loss and pregnancy in the future may have an effect on the breasts.

Why is GAGA Clinic the Best for Breast lift in Turkey?

At GAGA Clinic, there is a “patient-centric” approach at the core of its work, making it the best job in Turkey. From working with the carefully selected surgeons to offering an in-house nurse service, GAGA Clinic, provides the highest quality service breast lift treatment at affordable costs with exceptional patient care.

GAGA Clinic offers the best breast lift surgery in Turkey because it treats all its patients like family members.


GAGA Clinic breast augmentation in Turkey offers you:
  • Highest quality implants
  • Qualified and highly experienced plastic surgeons
  • Latest technology for breast lift surgery
  • Nurse visit at the hotel and 24/7 Nurse Support
  • Breasts size and shape you desire
  • Affordable all-inclusive breast lift surgery packages
  • Full insurance for the treatment
  • Aftercare support both in Turkey and home country



Abdi İpekçi Cd. No:23 Kat:1 Nişantaşı, Istanbul, Turkey.

Contact: +971 58 984 0000


Opening hours:
Saturday – Thursday