Brazilian Butt Lift in Turkey​

We offer our patients a top-notch service experience and treatment by our qualified international doctors in Istanbul, Turkey.

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Brazilian Butt Lift in Turkey

BBL in Turkey will enhance your curves
Not completely satisfied with the appearance of your buttocks? Is it the size, the shape, or the sagging skin that disappoints you? Would you like to do something about it? Brazilian Butt Lifts are not just for celebrities. This is also for you!

What is a Butt Lift at GAGA Clinic in Turkey?

Butt lifts or butt augmentations improve the shape and volume of the buttocks. The two types of buttock augmentation are:

  1. An excisional butt lift with a butt implant
  2. The Brazilian Buttlift (BBL)

Brazilian Butt Lift uses your own natural fat instead of silicone implants to enhance the shape of the buttocks. Some people opt for a traditional excisional butt lift, while others opt for the popular Brazilian butt lift in order to subtly enhance their backsides.

What is a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)?

Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is a surgical procedure in which fat is transferred into the buttocks. Excess fat is extracted from other parts of your body via liposuction, usually from the lower back and abdomen, and then injected into your buttocks to enhance their appearance. BBL uses your own, natural fat to enhance the size and shape of your buttocks.

BBL does not use implants. This is why it is the most natural way to enhance your buttocks. A Brazilian Butt Lift provides long-lasting, beautiful results because unlike implants, your own body fat is soft and won’t shift.

It is easy for the buttocks to show signs of aging. As it ages, it can begin to drop and fail to keep the look people desire. By getting the Brazilian Butt Lift, you can avoid this natural aging process.

How is BBL performed?

brazilian butt surgery stages - gaag clinic - turkey

Brazilian Butt Lift surgery can be explained in 3 steps:

1 Tumescent Liposuction
This is a standard liposuction procedure. First the doctor picks the areas of body suitable for fat extraction to be used for fat grafting. Liposuction starts with small incisions made on the liposuction area. Due to the tiny sized incisions, liposuction does not leave any scar.

Then, a thin tube called a cannula which is attached to a powerful vacuum device inserted through the incision to loosen the fat. Then the fat is extracted from the body by using a surgical vacuum or syringe attached to the cannula

2 Purification

The extracted fat is contained in a canister. The extracted fat is sterilized before it is injected into the buttocks. The sterilization means the removal of the liquid and blood extracted with the fat tissue.

In the end of the procedure, the purified tissues includes only fat that is ready for grafting.

3 Fat Grafting (Fat Transfer)

In the last step, the purified fat tissues are injected into the buttock muscle and deep fat tissue of the gluteal region. The fat will be injected through small incisions that are made in the buttock area.

The fat will be grafted in natural layers, to achieve a natural-looking, smooth result with a good volume.

Who is the right candidate for BBL in Turkey?

You are the right candidate for Brazilian Butt Lift surgery if you:

Why is GAGA Clinic the Best for BBL in Turkey?

At GAGA Clinic, there is a “patient-centric” approach at the core of its work, making it the best BBL clinic in Turkey. From working with the carefully selected surgeons offering an in-house nurse service, GAGA Clinic, provides the highest quality service Brazilian Butt Lift treatment at affordable costs with exceptional patient care.

GAGA Clinic offers the best Brazilian butt lift surgery in Turkey because it treats all its patients like family members.

GAGA Clinic BBL in Turkey offers you:
  • Highest quality implants
  • Qualified and highly experienced plastic surgeons
  • Latest technology for BBL surgery
  • Nurse visit at the hotel and 24/7 Nurse Support
  • Butt size and shape you desire
  • Affordable all-inclusive BBL surgery packages
  • Full insurance for the treatment
  • Aftercare support both in Turkey and home country

Brazilian butt lift or BBL Cost in Turkey

Brazilian butt lift or BBL costs approximately USD7,500 to USD11,000 in the United Kingdom (UK) and Europe. This is only for the treatment and the implant to be used. When the consultation and aftercare costs are included, the prices go up about USD800 – USD1400 more. In Turkey, you can have the same quality treatment for half of the price than the UK and Europe.

The price difference between Turkey and Europe for BBL is due to the difference in labour costs and operation fees. In Turkey, plastic surgeons are able to perform much more Brazilian butt lift surgery than their colleagues due to the low prices. Therefore, they gain more experience and come up with the best results for their job.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, the procedure can provide a permanent result. However, you will need to maintain a healthy body weight. Otherwise, your body appearance might change.

Actually, there are two ways to augment your buttocks: traditional implants or the Brazilian Butt Lift. The Brazilian technique carries a lower risk of infection than implants and also tends to achieve a more natural look. And, because the areas receiving liposuction during a Brazilian style lift are made leaner, a patient’s entire profile gains a sensuous new contour.Not only can a Brazilian Butt Lift help you get the butt you’ve always wanted, but it can also help you get rid of your excess fat.

Some activities may be resumed in a matter of days, such as returning to a job that does not require constant sitting. Strenuous activities, such as your normal exercise regime, must wait for 6 weeks.

The aim of a Brazilian Butt Lift is to not so much to change the size of your butt as much as it is to lift it and make it firmer. And definitely look better!

Almost anyone can do a BBL. While most of the people that have a Brazilian butt lift are women, also men can have it. It will make their body stronger.



Abdi İpekçi Cd. No:23 Kat:1 Nişantaşı, Istanbul, Turkey.

Contact: +971 58 984 0000


Opening hours:
Saturday – Thursday